there is power in the Pause

No Regrets

decision making
values based planning

Are you considering taking the abortion pill

Talk to a knowledgeable expert-

Avoid Decisional Regret

Build a values based plan

Facts First Steps

By following these 8 FirstFacts,
you will have a better outcome to your decision making.

There is power in the pause
- no regrets

Talk to a knowledgeable expert-

Avoid Decisional Regret

Build a values based plan - VPB@

I have had decisional regret because...

The source I went to was not knowledgeable – my experience didn’t match their description

The source I went to financially benefited from my choice

The source I went to did not invest time in me – I felt marginalized

The source I went to did not prepare me in case of an emergency

The source I went to misled me

The source I went to did not inform me completely/accurately

The source I went to did not give me follow-up information or instructions

The source I went to did not consider my values

What I needed Was a values based plan

Call about your Values Based Plan (VBP)

If any of this resonates with you call 707-777-7411 

Know your state laws regarding the abortion pill.

Patient responsibility includes honest medical history.

As a patient you may want to research cost variables.

This is difficult to answer based on non regulated medication manufacturing,
customer access and distribution methods.

We are commited to helping you when you need it most

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